Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Body Weight Workouts - Series 1, Week 6, Day 2

2 Rounds of
Max Reps, Toes to Bar (before losing grip)
Rest 60 seconds;

Bottom to Bottom - Tabata Squats, 4 rounds (2 minutes)

Five rounds for time of:
Sandbag Overhead Walking Lunges, 50 feet
21 Burpees

Let trailing knee gently kiss the ground on each lunge.

Post time to comments.

800m Jog
100 Sit-Ups

Monday, April 2, 2012

Body Weight Workouts - Series 1, Week 6, Day 1

3 Rounds of:
50' Bear Crawl, every 3 steps perform 5 push-ups.

Rest Day

2 Rounds of:
20 Samson Lunges
20 Cobra Push-Ups
20 Hollow Rocks

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Body Weight Workouts - Series 1, Week 5, Day 7

50' Bear Crawl
10 Burpees
50' Crab Walk
10 Burpees

Five rounds for time of:
Underwater swim 25m
50 Air Squats

Penalty - For every time you have to come up for a breathe, add 5 burpees to the end of the TIMED workout.

Note - There SHOULD BE times when you have to come up as the workout plays out. Do not over do it on the breath holding!!!

If you do not have access to a pool, perform:
Five Rounds for time of:
25m Sprint
50 Air Squats
75 Jumping Jacks

3 Rounds
5 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
400m Jog