
You probably just clicked on this page wondering why on earth you would need equipment when this is supposed to be a body-weight workout program. Am I right?

The answer is that equipment, for the most part is entirely optional. However, there are a couple of pieces of kit you might want to have. All of them are inexpensive to buy or easy to make, so they should not dent your pocket book too much.

Jump Rope - Double-Unders are awesome! Enough said.

Pull-Up Bars - If you have a set of these at the park, you are good to go. If not, Rogue Fitness ( ) has some outstanding wall or ceiling mounted pull-up bars for personal use.

Sand Bag - Link to or you can Make Your Own!

Suspension System - This can be anything you can use to suspend your body up off the ground. A good set of rings, a couple of cargo straps, a TRX system (which is too expensive, unless you already have one), or even a professionally made (but cheap) workout strap system sold by various other vendors out there. Here are a few examples:

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