Saturday, March 3, 2012

Body Weight Workouts - Series 1, Week 1, Day 7

Free-Standing Handstand work, 10 minutes.

Tabata Squats - perform Tabata sets of the following squat/leg exercises
Air Squats
Walking Lunge
Jump Squats
Lateral Lunges

Tabata Sets - Each set is 4 minutes of exercise. At the start, perform as many reps as possible in 20 seconds, then take an immediate 10 second break. The clock does not stop. Intervals should proceed for 4 minutes as 20 seconds max effort, 10 seconds Rest, 20 seconds Max Effort, 10 seconds Rest, etc. Additionally, there is no break BETWEEN Tabata Sets, the clock should run continuously for 16 minutes.

3 Rounds of:
10 Spiderman Lunges (hold 3 seconds each)
10 Suspended Inverted Ring Row
60 Second Plank

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