Friday, March 2, 2012

Body Weight Workouts - Series 1, Week 1, Day 6

3 Rounds of:
Bear Crawl 50'
10 Push-Ups

AMRAP 15 Minutes:
Air Squat  30 Reps
2 Air Squats + Bar Touch 30 Reps
Burpee + Toes to Bar 30 Reps
2 Burpee + Toes to Bar As Many Reps As Possible

Example - "Air Squat + Bar Touch" - Complete one air squat, then jump up touch the pull-up bar or some object located approximately 12" about the athlete's highest reach. This is ONE REP of the 30.

Set the clock to count down from 15 minutes. Complete as many reps in the above sequence as possible until time expires.

Max Reps Ring Dips x 1
100 Flutterkicks

1 comment:

  1. We interpreted this as 30 reps of each combo and then as many reps as possible on last exercise (double burpee plus t2b) until time runs out.

    Me = 7
    Wife = 6
